
If only you cared...he said
If only you knew how much I did...she thought
If only you had said you cared...everyone else said
If only you had showed...a wise one whispered

Expectations, Acceptance And Common depends on the individual

Its ok to drop individualizm once in a wont lose your identity in this fake soceity...

At times you show or tell in a way that only you this good enough?

There are times, you want to scream out loud that you care...the only screaming done, was in your head...

What if you're not an expressionist or exhibitionist?

At times, its ok to just pick the phone and say hello...or an email...a snail mail keeps me smiling the whole day...but...

That lil' Hi from a special person makes my day...


NixYang said…
Hi.. HAHA ok la, i know i'm not THAT special someone.. but you know you luuvvv me! ahaha k.. whtevs..

buzz whn u free to yam cha or smthing k? k?? then you can check out my driving skillsss