Why Do Slim Asian Girls Often Date Chubby Guys?

One observation that has come up repeatedly in the fora at Asian Sirens is the seemingly peculiar phenomonon of slim and attractive Asian girls dating relatively "chubby" (and often "geeky") guys, rather than the slim and so-called "cool" guys one might expect. And intriguingly, this seems to be particularly true of the Asian women who choose to date caucasians. Although it may seem bizarre, there are actually many good historical, cultural and biological reasons for this preference. So, after many requests for an explanation of this apparent oddity (and being a beneficiary of it myself!), I've decided to devote an article to the subject.

Like most sexual preferences, the ultimate root of this phenomonon is biological (although it has been reinforced by historical and cultural ideals). A clue lies in the fact that the Asian women who specifically choose to date caucasians often choose chubby guys. Obvioulsy, one of the reasons for this is practical: if a girl wants to date a chubby guy, there aren't too many chubby Asian guys to choose from! But there is also a relationship between a slim girl choosing to date a chubby guy, and an Asian girl choosing to date a caucasian: in both cases, they are driven by the biological imperitive to mix and balance the genes of their offspring. A child with mixed genes will in theory have greater resistance to disease, as the genetic weaknesses of a particular race will be diluted. By the same token, the opposite physical extremes of a small and slim Asian girl combined with a "big and strong" caucasian should theoretically result in more "balanced" offspring. Of course, in reality things are a lot more complicated than that (and I've simplified things quite a bit for this article), but you get the idea.

On the other hand, there is another conflicting biological instinct that comes into play when we choose a partner: fear of the unfamiliar. This dates back to when humans were more tribal, and often competed with eachother for more limited resources. Indeed, this instinct goes back to before we were even human, as most animals have to compete with eachother for food and territory. Also, when our species first evolved, we even competed with other species of hominids, such as the neanderthals (one of the leading theories for the extinction of the neanderthals is that we wiped them out). This instinct is the basis of racism and other forms of prejudice. Anyway, the upshot of this is, while our drive for genetic diversity attracts us to the exotic, fear of the unknown attracts us to the familiar. The end result for Asian women who date caucasians is that they usually prefer them to have "softer" features, as this makes them feel less "alien" than the classic sharp and "edgy" caucasian features. And of course, chubby guys are more likely to have softer features than slim guys.

There is also something else to the fact that the Asian girls who specifically date caucasians often choose chubby guys. Basically, chubby and "geeky" caucasians are more likely to have the sort of character that Asian women tend to prefer. The fact of the matter is, they very often treat women with a lot more respect than most slim and so-called "cool" guys. Caucasian women may be famous for wanting to be treated like dirt, but most Asian women are a lot more sensible than that. (On a personal note, this is the number one reason why I normally prefer Asian women to caucasians.) They actually want - and expect - their men to behave responsibly, and show them some basic respect. And amongst caucasians, they are often more likely to find the sort of character they want in a chubby and/or geeky guy than in a slim and/or "cool" guy.

There is also yet another personality trait associated with chubby guys that Asian women are usually attracted to, which is exemplified by the Chinese Buddha statue above. Basically, chubbiness is associated with a happy, jolly character, which Asian women traditionally find attractive (this really works in my favour too, as I tend to laugh a lot!). What's more, Asians have historically associated chubbiness with wealth and strength, which of course are attractive features as well. So traditionally, Asian women perceive chubby men as being strong, happy and wealthy. Conversely, it is considered attractive for Asian women to have a slender and delicate build, as it conveys femininity and elegance (and once again helps to keep the gene pool balanced). Of course, the more modern and westernised Asian women become, the less they tend to feel this way. But luckily for we chubby guys, there are still many beautiful Asian women who adhere to these traditional values - even if they are modernised in other ways!
