I See You
I See You... I Do ,
In My dreams, my thoughts, my subconscious ness,
I want to ... Well, there is loads that i would love to
for now, a simple Hi, how are you? How have you been? Care for a drink? would do
but I Don't,
Want to get my feelings hurt, nor am i going to let my ego get bruised...
I shall let this pass...not that i want to...maybe cos you would prefer it to..
but... Do You See Me?
In My dreams, my thoughts, my subconscious ness,
I want to ... Well, there is loads that i would love to
for now, a simple Hi, how are you? How have you been? Care for a drink? would do
but I Don't,
Want to get my feelings hurt, nor am i going to let my ego get bruised...
I shall let this pass...not that i want to...maybe cos you would prefer it to..
but... Do You See Me?