Envy - NESS

So weekend kicked off well...

Anyway, so, i envy this person yea, for being a fast learner.

envy the enthusiasm , the desire , envy that she got up and down concave in a day... n i still fall after 10 years...

i admit that im not the best tutor when it comes to the sport/lifestyle/culture/passion/emo reliever/my escape from surreal world activity...heck, the reason why i picked up this sport is, its so individualized...its me my self n i... i miss a trick, my fault, i fall, my fault...well i do admit that i met heaps of wonderful people with amazing abilities as an athelete and as a friend from all around the world but... its an individual thing... so i never really taught anyone to skate maybe a few tips here and there but not really really teach..

my only advise was ' bend your knees ' ( i forget this advise myself at times ) .. ouh yea there was, 'shift ur weight accordingly' and 'keep ur legs far apart' and...i think that was it..

so back to this individual who only had little fundamentals ( ice skating ; i dont get the drift of going round and round and having a wet butt when u fall ; ok compared to scarred butt, a wet butt would be sexy...i think ) i would admit that she did real good...really really good...

fell here and there but she picked herself up and soon, she was going up and down, altho she did not get into the bowl neither would i have allowed that without proper protective gears and a few more sessions...but i know she could and would have done it well...

i envy you...

and...whats this taggin thing??
